Nutrition; Macros

"Macros" is short for the term macronutrients.  Your macros include carbohydrate, protein, fat and water.  There are many ways to divide the three macros, carbs, protein and fat, to make up your diet.  For athletes and serious exercisers the ideal breakdown would be 40% of your diet being carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat.  With carbohydrates you generally want to ensure that you intake complex carbs as opposed to simple carbs.  For example, whole grain bread would be a complex carb and a candy bar would be a simple carb.  Whey protein is ideal right before and right after exercise, while casein protein is ideal before bed.  Saturated or animal fat is generally the kind of fat you want to minimize in your diet.  Unsaturated fats or plant fats are the kind you want to intake and should make up as much of the 30% of your diet as possible.