Classroom Rules and Procedures

Flex Friday Procedures

Friday IS NOT A FREE DAY!  It is called Flex Friday because it is a day for us to review and work on passing power standards for the cadets.  They will be given assignments and they will be doing work.  The cadets need to being all their classwork to school that day and be prepared to work on assignments or take power standard assessments.  



Show Respect

Respect means:

  • No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom (other than water)
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Keep you hands to yourself
  • Do not distract the others around you



Class Procedures

Here are the class procedures we follow in my classroom:


Class Entry

Before class starts you should be lined up in the hallway. You can talk, read, or stare at the wall; as long as you aren't blocking the hallway or making a ton of noise. Before the bell rings, I will call "Class Fall In". That is your cue to tighten up the lines (two columns), face forward, and put away whatever is in your hands. When the class is settled I will call "Class Attention". That is your cue to go the the position of attention. 

Pro Tip: The position of attention is a very specific, and deliberate, position. Here's how you know you are standing at attention correctly:

  1. Your heels are together, with your feet angled away from each other.
  2. Your legs are straight, without locking your knees.
  3. Your arms are slightly pulled back and pulled down the length of your body.
  4. Your hands are cupped.
  5. Your hands are flat against your hips.
  6. Your shoulders are pulled back, your chest is out, your back is straight.
  7. Your eyes are straight forward, you are not looking around, and your head is up high.


Once the whole class is at the position of attention I will check your uniform for correct wear. Refer to the UMA Cadet Guide to learn more about proper uniform wear. When I'm ready I will call "First Element, File In". The colum closest to the door will begin to enter the room. Each Cadet will stop at the door and shake my hand. Once in the room you will stand by your chair at the position of attention. You are not allowed to talk at the position of attention, unless you are greeting me at the door or responding to attendance. The classroom should be silent.

Tip: If you try to get in the line after the bell has rung, you will be told to leave the line. If you are tardy, you do not get to enter the classroom until you check in with a hallway monitor. 

When I enter the room, I will call attendance. The only words you are allowed to say are "Here Sir". If someone is absent, you do not need to give them an alibi. Once attendance has been recorded, I will lead you in the UMA core values, then you will take a seat. 



Hall Pass Policy

There are two hall passes in this classroom, both are on my desk. The first hall pass, the blue one, is only for emergencies. This should be used rarely. The second hall pass, the orange one, is for going to the office. You will not be allowed in the office without it.  Hall passes are for emergency only.  Getting work or pencil out of their locker is not an emergency and will not be allowed.  Cadets must come to class prepared every day.