Molecule Intro Worksheet

  • Due Feb 11, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 30
  • Questions 11
  • Available until Mar 17, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Molecule Intro Notes

Atom: smallest unit of matter that constitutes a chemical element

Element: substance that cannot be broken down into smaller smaller substances

Molecule: group of atoms bonded together

  • Element Molecule: multiple atoms of the same element bonded together
  • Compound Molecule: atoms of different elements bonded together

Mixture: substance made by combining other substances

  • Homogenous Mixture: mixture with same proportions of components throughout (uniform)
  • Heterogenous Mixture: mixture that is not uniform throughtout

Image result for homogeneous vs heterogeneous mixture (Links to an external site.)


Types of bonds

Ionic Bond: ions bonded due to the transfer of electrons

  • One atom gains electrons, the other loses electrons
  • One becomes negatively charged, the other becomes positively charged
  • Opposites attract, so they stick together

Image result for ionic bond (Links to an external site.)

Covalent Bonds: atoms bonded by sharing electrons

  • shared electrons create a new orbit around both atoms (Links to an external site.)


Writing molecular formulas

  1. Determine the number of each type of atom in a compound, based on the prefix:
    • "mono" = 1
    • "di" = 2
    • "tri" =3
    • "tetra" = 4
      • Example: Carbon dioxide--"di" means it has two oxygen atoms
      • No prefix before "carbon" means there is 1 carbon atom
  2. Write the symbol for the first element
    • C for Carbon
  3. Write how many atoms of that element as a subscript
    • subscript= number written slightly below the normal line of text
    • If there is only 1 atom of an element, do not write a subscript
      • Example: Only one C in Carbon dioxide, so just write C
      • Two Hydrogen in Dihydrogen monoxide: write "H2"
  4. Repeat for the next element in the compound
    • Example: Carbon dioxide
      • "di" means 2 oxygen
      • write as O2
      • combined with the first element: CO2
    • Example: Dihydrogen monoxide
      • "mono" means 1 (which we never write in a formula), so 1 oxygen
      • H2O
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